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Buniis's avatar
1. Name: Ashley
2. Nickname(s): Ash, Ashchan, Sapphire, Saphy, ect
3. Birthday: 1/30/1993
4. That makes you: 22
5. Where were you born: Rhode Island
6. Location right now: Massachusetts
7. Shoe size: 7
8. How many piercings?: Just my ears,
9. Tattoos?: None.
10. When you wake up you're: Tired.
11. When your about to sleep you're: Laying down infront of my laptop.
12. Zodiac sign: Aquarius.
13. Chinese sign: Rooster.
14. Righty or Lefty: Left.
15. Innie or Outie: e-e Innie.
16. School: Is very important.

Section Two: Looks

17. Nationality: White ?
20. Weight: Lmao..
21. Height: 5'4
22. Braces?: Not anymore.
23. Glasses?: No.

Section Three: Private Life

24. Do you have a boy/girlfriend? Boyfriend.
25. If so, who? Jonny.
26. If not, do you have a crush on someone? I go on and off with a few people.
27. Who has a crush on you? Why would anyone have a crush on me??
28. Ever cheated on your bf/gf? Yeea once.
29. Who was your first kiss? Greg.
30. Who was your last kiss: Jonny.
31. Are you a virgin? I don't like answering this one, tbh.
32. Ever had a threesome before? Nah.
33. NQ- Ever been swarmed by ladybugs?: Nah. xD
34. Have you ever been in love? Yep.
35. Broken any hearts? Yeh. ;;
36. Got your heart broken? Yes.
37. Ever liked a friend? Lots of friends.
38. What happened? Nothing. I don't confess. There really isn't a reason for me to.

Section Four: Past Relationships 

39. How many relationships have you been in? 8.
40. How many were serious enough to count: Only 2 were serious.
41. Who were those serious ones: Greg and Jonny.
42. NQ- Who USED to be your best friend: Victoria. 
43. What made them different: Greg is my bestfriend now because he would have been if we weren't dating anyone?
  44. What happened: Nothing, we just don't talk or see eachother much and I'm closer to Greg. She's still a really good friend.
45. Best boy/girlfriend: Jonny, of course.
46. Worst boy/girlfriend: 789.
47. Ever been kissed: I'm always the one who kisses first. >U
48. Who do you want back: Nobody.
49. What do you regret: A lot.
50. Why? I did a lot of things.

Section Five: Favourites

51. Song: I can never choose such a thing. D:
52. Movie: Frozen.
53. Food: Ramen and mozzarella sticks.
54. Drink: Monster but I can't have it anymore.
55. Store: Big Lots or Dollar Tree.
56. Television show: The Middle
57. Holiday: New Years.
58. Book: The Maltese Falcon.
59. Ice cream: Chocolate Cookie Dough.
60. Sweets: Too many.
61. Crisps: Sun chips.
62. Type of music: Rock.
63. Artist: Too many.
64. Word: I don't have one.
65. Time of day: Around 6 PM. It's like, the perfect time.
66. Dressing: Ranch.
67. Alcoholic drink: I like whine coolers but I got hostile and then sick last time I had them. :c
68. Colour(s): Blue and Pink are the best.
69. Piece of clothing: Tank tops.
70. Character: Bruh nooo.
71. Smell: Gasoline and fire. ;o;
72. Shampoo: Uuh brand names.
73. Soap: Idgaf.
74. Smiley: DUDE.
75. Board game: Imagine If.
76. Sport: Swimming.
77. Number: 5 and 8 but not 58.
78. Quote: No.
79. Animal: BUNNIES.
80. Actor: Nah.
82. Vegetable: Broccoli, carrots, idk.
83. Fruit: Apples and Plums.
84. Place to be: Either bed or the couch.
85. Thing in your room: Bed and laptop.
86. Gum: I don't like gum.
87. Shape: Hearts.
88. Country: America.
89. Mall: The one I go to.
90. Car: Doon't care.
91. Boy's name: Idk
92. Girl's name: Many. I like girl names.
93. Family member: My sister of course.
94. Restaurant: Places. 5 Seasons probably.
95. Movie place: Nowhere.
96. Person to go to the movies with: ??? Renee, I guess.
97. Noise: Music and rain.
98. Brand of Shoe: ????
99. Brand of clothing: Idk???
100. Body part of a chicken: Leg.
101. Swear word: None.
102. Month: January.   
103. Possession: Laptop.
104. Team: No.
105. Season: Autumn. 
106. Radio station: Sssh. Not revealing here.
107. Magazine: Nah.
108. Favourite grade: Not sure. I just liked when I was in school with all my friends.
109. Least favourite grade: All the ones in public school.
110. Teacher: I have several. I really like my English teachers.
111. Least favourite teacher: That one guy I had in I think 3red grade? First male teacher, made me nervous to have male teachers.
112. Subject: English.
113. Subject to talk about: Pokemon and Fnaf.

Section Six: Family

114. Who's your mum?: Busy.
115. Who's your dad?: Busy and lazy.
116. Any step-parents?: No.
117. Any brothers?: No.
118. Any Sisters?: She's like, my bestfriend.
120. Coolest: Sister.
121. Loudest: Mom.
122. Best relative: Sister.
123. Worse relative: Bleh.
124. Do you get along with your parents? Not really. Kind of.
125. With your siblings? Very much.
126. Does anyone understand you? Not really.
127. Do you have any pets? 5.
128. If so, what kind and name? Bunnies. Eclair, Butternut, Carbon, Slushy, and Rubix.
129. If not, what do you want as a pet? I want hamsters and rats, tbh.

Section Seven: School

131. Are you still in school? Yeah, I start back up in 2 months.
132. Did you drop out?: No !
133. Your current GPA: 3.8
134. Do you buy or bring lunch?: I'm in college-
135. ABC's?: Yea?
136. Favorite class: English.
137. Play any sports at school?: No.
138. Are you popular? No.
139. Favourite memory: I like when there's free food for me.
140. Most humiliating moment: My skirt bunched up one time during my first semester and I didn't notice until a girl made fun of my underwear. Then she ended up in my math class for second semester.. Lmao.
141. Most funniest moment: I study in the cafe a lot. It's funny watching people go to use the vending machines on days you know one is broken.
142. Most scared moment: Idk.

Section Eight: What do you think of when you hear

145. Chicken: KFC.
146. Dog: Bark.
147. Christina Aguilera: Girl.
148. Ricky Martin: Rocks.
149. 50 cent: Money.
150. Poop: Funny. 
151. Beach: Sand.
152. Dessert: Sand.
153. Water: Water.
154. Osama: Bad.
155. Love: Hearts.
156. Your little brother: Nobody.
157. Butt: Hehe butt.
158. Clowns: Gamzee.
159. Wonder: Glory.
16o. Brown: Chocolate.
161. Banana: Banana. 
162. Sex: Lust.
163. Parents: Frustration.
164. Homosexuals: Gay.
165. God: Power.

Section Nine: Do you believe in

166. God: No.
167. Heaven: No.
168. Devil: No.
169. Hell: No.
170: Boogy man: No.
171. Closet Monsters: No.
172. Fortune tellings: No.
173. Magic: No.
174. Love at first sight: No.
175. Ghosts: Yes.
176. Voo-doo dolls: No.
177. Reincarnation: Unsure.
178. Yourself: Unsure.

Section Ten: Do you

179. Smoke: No.
180. Do drugs: No.
181. Drink alcohol: Rarely. I really shouldn't, though.
182. Cuss: Not irl.
183. Sing in the shower: No.
184. Like school: Yes.
185. Want to get married: I kind of do. >->
186. Type with all of your fingers: I only use my index finger for the most part.
187. Think you're attractive: Wtf no.
188. Drink and drive: No.
189. Snore: Sometimes.
190. Sleep walk: No.
191. Like watching sunrises and sunsets: Yeah but I don't do it often. ;;

Section Eleven: Have you ever

192. Flashed someone: My boyfriend, yeah.
193. Gotten so drunk til you threw up everywhere: No.
194. Told that person how you felt: Who?
195. Been arrested: No.
196. Gone to jail or juve: No.
197. Skateboarded: Idk if it ounts. I was like, 5 and sucked.
198. Skinny dipped: Yeh
199. Rock climbed: No.
200. Killed someone: No.
201. Watched porn: Yes.
202. Gone on a road trip: Yup.
203. Went out of the country: No.
204. Talked back to an adult: Yeea.
205. Broken a law: Yep.
206. Got pulled over: No.
208: Cried to get out of trouble: Yeah.
209. Let a friend cry on your shoulder: Nobody's ever needed to.
210. Kissed a brother's or sister's friend: No.
211. Kissed a friend's brother or sister: No.
212. Dropped something on the floor and let someone eat it anyways: Lol yeah.
213. Moon someone: No.
214. Shop-lifted: I was 9. e-e
215. Worked at McDonald's: No.
216. Eaten a dog: No.
217. Give money to a homeless person: No.
218. Glued your hand to yourself: Probably.
219. Kissed someone of the same sex: No. :c
220. Had a one night stand: Nah.
221. Smoked: Never.
222. Done drugs: No.
223. Lose a friend because of your ex: No.
224. Slap someone for being stupid: Not for being stupid-
225. Had cyber sex: Yeh
226. Wish you were the opposite sex: Not for identity purposes but sometimes I get curious.
227. Caught someone doing something: Yes.
228. Played a game that removes clothing: No.
229. Cried during a movie: Yes.
230. Cried over someone: Several times.
231. Wanted to hook up with a friend: No. Well, besides the ones I actually have?
232. Hooked up with someone you barely met: Lmao yeah. Never learned their names either.
233. Ran away from home: I've tried to.
234. Cheated on a test: No.

Section Twelve: Would you

235. Bungee jump: Only from a small distance.
236. Sky dive: No.
237. Swim with dolphins: Sure.
238. Steal a friend's bf or gf: No.
239. Try to be the opposite sex: No.
240. Lie to the police: No.
241. Run from the police: No.
242. Lie to your parents: Too late.
243. Backstab a friend for your own well being: I look after myself before others, ty.
244. Be an exotic dancer: No.
245. NQ- Kill the president: No.

Section Thirteen: Are you

246. Shy: Not really.
247. Loud: Only if we're really close.
248. Nice: People say I am ??
249: Outgoing: Nope.
250: Quiet: Yeah, usually.
251. Mean: Sometimes.
252. Emotional: I've calmed down.
253. Sensitive: Not usually. I can be.
254. Gay: No. 
255. Strong: Yeah.
256. Weak: Nope.
257. Caring: Not really, tbh. I just recognize right from wrong and realize when people need me. Truth is, I have a hard time caring. I just know my words can help others and that's a good thing. 
258. Dangerous: No.
259. Crazy: Being crazy is overrated.
260. Spontaneous: No, I think carefully before acting.
261. Funny: My close friends seem to think so.
262. Sweet: Maybe.
263. Sharing: That is the last thing that describes me. Don't touch my stuff.
264. Responsible: I can be.
265. Trustworthy: Yes.
266. Open-minded: No. I'm really not.
267. Creative: Meh.
268. Cute: Nope.
269. Slick: lol no.
270. Smart: Yup.
271. Dumb: Yes.
272. Evil: No.
273. Ghetto: Nah.
274. Classy: No.
275. Photogenic: Nope.
276. Dependable: I wouldn't.
277. Greedy: Yes.
278. Ugly: Well, my face is the only decent looking part of my body. I guess I could say yes ??
279. Messy: Only when eating. ;o; I don't know how to without getting full of food..
280. Neat: Yes.
281. Perverted: Yup.
282. Silly: Yeah.
283. A B****:  I don't answer to censorship.
284. A Good Listener: No, not really.
285. A Fighter: No.
286. A Party Animal: Nope.
287. A Game Freak: Um sure ?
288. A Computer Freak: That's my addiction.

Section Fourteen: Future

289. Dream job: Idek.
290. Dream house: Anywhere but here.
291. Husband/Wife: Yes.
292. Kids: As many as I can have. My bf only wants one.. >:
293. Names: Idk
294. Pets: I want many but my boyfriend says we can only have a cat and a bunny. :c
295. Car: A working one.
296. Age you would want to get married: 27-30.
297. Best Man/Bride's Maid: I don't want a wedding. 
298. Honeymoon: Nowhere.

Section Fifteen: Your friends 

299. Best friend: Greg.
300. Known the longest: Greg, counting people who I actually talk to.
301. Craziest: Idk.
302. Loudest: Jonny.
303. Shyest: Either Becca or Jonny.
304. Best hair: Keeping that to myself. 
305. Best eyes: Idk
306. Best body: ...Jonny.
307. Most Athletic: Idek.
308. Hot-Tempered: I don't like hanging with hot-tempered people.
309. Most impatient: Not sure.
310. Shortest: Caroline ??
311. Tallest: >u Greg is giant.
312. Skinniest: Jonny.
313. Best singer: Haven't heard most of them sing.
314. Funniest: Renee.
315. Can always make you laugh: Renee.
316. Wish you talked to more: Many.
317. Wish you saw more: Many.
318. Who drives you insane after a while: Greg.
319. Who you can stay around forever and never get sick of: Nobody. I need alone time.
320. Ever lose a friend because you took it to the 'next level': No.
321. Whose always been there when you need them: Jonny.
322. Who is like your family: Greg and Jonny.
323. How many friends do you have?:  Many. I only have about 4 I talk to daily, though.
324. How many are really close? The ones I talk to daily.

Section Sixteen: The last

325. Thing you ate: Pasta with cheese.
326. Thing you drank: Water.
327. Thing you wore: Skirt and tank-top. 
328. Thing you did: Played MapleStory but then it went offline. </3
329. Place you went: My dad took me to a parking lot to practice driving.
330. Thing you got pierced or tattooed: My ears.
331. Person you saw: Renee.
332. Person you hugged: Eclair.
333. Person you kissed: Jonny.
334. NQ- Person you beat to a juicy pulp: Nobody, who do you think I am ??
335. Person you talked to online: Greg.
336. Person you talked to on the phone: Someone from Comcast.
337. Song you heard: I don't know it's name.
338. Show you saw:  The Middle.
339. Time you fought with your parents: Idk I yelled at my mom the night before but she just left.
340. Time you fought with a friend: Last week.
341. Words you said: "I can't even see the bottom of the screen."

Section Seventeen: Now

343. What are you eating: Nothing.
344. What are you drinking: Nothing.
345. What are you thinking: Can't level in La Tale.
346. What are you wearing: Tank top and mini skirt.
347. What are you doing: This meme and RPing on Skype.
349. Hair: Fine.
350. Mood: Annoyed that MapleStory is down and I can't level in La Tale.
351. Listening to: My mom watch her dumb soap operas.
352. Talking to anyone: Renee.
353. Watching anything: Apparently my mom's dumb soap operas.

Section Eighteen: Yes or No

354. Are you a vegetarian: No.
355. Are you a carnivore: No.
356. Are you heterosexual: No.
357. Do you like penguins: Yes.
358. Do you write poetry: No.
359. Do you see stupid people: Sometimes.
360. You + Me: ???
361. Do you like the Osbournes: No.
362. Can you see flying pigs: No.
363. Do you sleep with stuffed animals on your bed: Yes.
364. Are you from Afghanistan: No.
365. Is Christina Aguilera ugly: No.
366. Are you a zombie: No.
367. Am i annoying you: No.
368. Do you bite your nails: Yes.
369. Can you cross your eyes: Yes.
370. Do you make your bed in the morning: Yes.
371. Have you touched someone's private part: ..Maybe.

Section Nineteen: This or That

372. Winter or Summer: Idk.
373. Spring or Autumn: Autumn.
374. Shakira or Britney: Britney. 
375. MTV or VH1: No thanks.
376. Black or White: White.
377. Yellow or Pink: Pink.
378. Football or Basketball: Neither. I guess basketball can be fun while I'm alone idk.
379. Mobile Phone or Pager: Idk.
380. Pen or Pencil: Pencil.
381. Cold or Hot: Cold.
382. Tattoos or Piercings: Piercings.
383. Inside or Outside: Inside.
384. Weed or Alcohol: Both are pretty gross.
385. Coke or Pepsi: Pepsi.
386. Tape or Glue:  Tape.
387. McDonald's or In-n-Out: McDonald's. 

Section Twenty: Opinions

388. What do you think about classical music: Unsure.
389. About boy bands: -squeal- <33
390: About suicide: Not writing a text wall right now.
391. About people who try to force their opinions on you: Depends. Debating about differing opinions does keep my brain active. 
392. About teen pregnancy: Their choice.
393. Where do you think you'll be in 10 years: Please be elsewhere..
394. Who do you think you'll still be friends with in 5 years: All my current close friends.
395. About gay men: They're just people.

Section Twenty-One:

396. Do you have a website: Yeah.
397. Current weather right now: Dark.
398. Current time: 8:01 PM.
399. Last thoughts: Why is this taco wet?
400. Tag: No.
[ ] You go tanning.
[ ] You own something from Coach
[ ] You have over 10 pairs of jeans.
[ ] You own something from Prada
[ ] Usually when you ask your mom for money she gives it to you.
[x] You like going to the mall. 
[x] You own an iPod/MP3 player. (Sucky $20 MP3.)
[ ] You love Starbucks.
[x] You have been called a brat 
[ ] You have tons of shoes
[ ] You hate buying things that are on sale 
[ ] You have more than one house
Total: 3

[x] Black is one of your favorite colors.
[x] You have thought about death.
[/] You've attempted suicide (by strangling myself numerous times by hand)
[ ] You wear big chains.
[ ] You like heavy metal.
[x] You've shopped at Hot Topic. (I buy some T-Shirts)
[ ] You have worn black lipstick.
[ ] Your hair was/is black.
[ ] You dislike preps.
[ ] You have/want piercings.
[ ] You're going to/or have a tattoo.
Total: 3.5

[ ] You can skateboard.
[ ] You wear plaid.
[ ] You like Converse.
[ ] You hate MTV. 
[ ] You have/had/want/wanted blue, red, purple, or green hair.
[ ] You dislike pink.
[ ] You hate preps.
[ ] You wear/have worn skateboarding shoes.
[ ] Shop at Pac Sun 
Total: 0

[x] You love the computer. 
[ ] You like Star Wars.
[ ] You are supposed/wore/wear glasses/contacts
[ ] You get straight A's (Close. ;o;)
[ ] You like reading.
[ ] You were/are in a band. 
[ ] You have a curfew.
[x] You always do your homework. 
[x] You never miss school unless you're sick. [I go even if I'm sick.]
Total: 3

[x] You've been depressed.
[ ] You have black-rimmed glasses.
[ ] You like the band Thursday.
[ ] You cry easily. 
[ ] You like emo music.[Define ??]
[ ] You hate being called emo.
[ ] You keep a journal/diary
[ ] You have written a sad poem.
[ ] You have/had a sad MySpace layout. 
[ ] You think emo kids are hot.
Total: 1

[/] You like rap
[ ] You are in a gang.
[ ] You wear rubberbands in your pants.
[ ] You have had a freestyle battle.
[ ] You have worn converse with the tongue flipped out.
Total: 0.5

[x] You like loud music
[ ] You love the Ninja Turtles
[ ] You never walk anywhere. [That's not hardcore. That's just lazy.]
[ ] You wear slip-on shoes.
[ ] You love Normal Jeans.
[ ] You wear band t-shirts.
[ ] You love to 'hardcore' dance.
[ ] Your hair has been dyed more than one color.
[ ] You wear blue jeans. 
Total: 1

[ ] You love The OC
[ ] You have a tiny dog.
[ ] Your usual outfits consist of bright or cheery colors.
[ ] You LOVE buying shoes
[ ] You shop at AE, HOLLISTER, A&F 
[x] You love/like to shop. 
[ ] You like jeans.
[ ] You like Paris Hilton 
[ ] Getting your nails done is a fun thing.
[ ] You wear big sunglasses
Total: 1

[ ] You watch the Super Bowl [Watching sports doesn't make you athletic.]
[ ] You own track shoes or other sports related shoes.
[ ] You collect your jerseys.
[ ] You have/have had a special shelf for trophies and awards.
[ ] You have/had posters or plaques of famous athletes.
[ ] Your garage/shed consists of sports equipment.
[ ] You have a space in your room for awards and/or plaques.
[ ] You have a large amount of medals.
[ ] You belong/belonged to a school team.
[ ] You are going/have gone to a sports summer camp. 
[ ] You have a specific number preferred for your jersey.
[ ] You are/were on a select team
Total: 0

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